A new marian Shrine
in Washington State

A Shrine for Renewal and Encounter

Mary’s presence has long graced the Pacific Northwest, from the faith of Chief Seattle’s family to today’s diverse Catholic communities. Now, inspired by her enduring intercession, we are discerning the creation of Washington’s first diocesan Roman Catholic shrine—a sacred place of pilgrimage, healing, and renewal for all who seek Christ through His Blessed Mother.

A Place to Encounter Christ Through Mary

Shrines are vital to the life of the Church. They are places of profound encounter, where souls—whether devout, searching, or wounded—can draw closer to God at any time of day through prayer, the sacraments, formation, and Mary’s maternal embrace.

With the support of Archbishop of Seattle Paul D. Etienne, the Ferry Foundations and the Dominican Friars are exploring the establishment of the state’s first diocesan shrine in the heart of Seattle. Entrusted to the Dominicans, this sacred space will stand as a beacon of faith, hope, reconciliation, and renewal to the region.

Praying and Planning Together

We are currently conducting a feasibility study to discern the support needed for this transformative project. As we take these next steps, we humbly ask for your prayers and support—that through Mary’s intercession, this vision may unfold according to God’s will.

“Mary is not only the bridge joining us to God; she is more. She is the road that God traveled to reach us, and the road that we must travel in order to reach him.”

– Pope Francis