The First Roman Catholic Shrine
in Washington State
Our Inspiration
Mary’s mantle embraces the entire Archdiocese of Seattle, from Vancouver to Bellingham, weaving through our history and future. Our region carries a rich legacy of devotion to Mary, reaching back to Chief Seattle and his daughter, Princess Angeline, who was known for walking the streets of Seattle with a rosary in hand.
Time and again, Mary has served as a bridge between communities and her Son. Inspired by her enduring presence, we propose building a sacred pilgrimage space to celebrate the next chapter of Mary’s relationship with the Pacific Northwest and to bring renewal to our region.
Seattle's Marian Pilgrimage Center (SMPC)
At the heart of this Marian project is Rossanna Ryan. In 2024, she founded Seattle’s Marian Pilgrimage Center (SMPC) to foster Marian devotion and Eucharistic reverence by creating sacred Catholic spaces that inspire pilgrimage. We are honored to pioneer the First Roman Catholic Shrine in Washington State™ , a project incubated in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Seattle, the Richard and Maude Ferry Foundation, and the Western Dominican Province.
We envision a sacred refuge of mercy and grace where even the most wounded souls find healing in Mary’s tender love and powerful protection. Questions like the name, location, and design of this shrine are part of a prayerful journey shared with Our Blessed Mother and the broader Catholic community.
As Rossanna leads this concept phase, listening to the Catholic community is key to bringing this vision to life. If you feel called to help Our Blessed Mother touch as many hearts as possible, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Executive Director at